

Normal people… believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

ISP Optimization

Project to develop a less costly method to develop a camera ISP. This was my thesis Project for my Master's degree. The official title is "Image Signal Processor Parameter Optimization for Improved Skin Lesion Classification"

Digitized NMR

Internship project focused on system architecture development of a low-cost NMR device.

Medical System

Project to build a system that accomplished a given task and executed by multiple groups. In this case the project was divided into an analog and digital team. The analog team was responsible to process an analog signal received from a sensor and the digital team responsible for the analog/digital conversion and digital interface.

CT Simulation

Project to mathematically model a CT imaging system, the reconstruction, and post-processing of CT scans. This project uses MATLAB and is separated into 3 parts: CT Simulation, the Algebraic Reconstruction Technique, and Metal Artifact Reduction.

Machine-Learned Stethoscope

This project is to automate diagnosis of lung recordings. The idea is to make a model that can be implemented on a device to diagnose lung diseases automatically.

Leaf Diagnosis

Deep Learning project meant to classify plant leaf diseases based onn images of leaves. The code was developed in Jupyter Notebooks and utilized Tensorflow for the Deep Learning.

Morse Code Translator

Project to convert input to a Morse Code output. The code is designed to take any input and convert to output that represents Morse Code. The output symbols are bits (on/off) where on is "=" and off is ".". This uses a simple dictionary to do all the conversion.


Coming Soon